Hoard ACKS

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This version of Hoard ACKS follows the rules in Adventurer, Conqueror, King, p. 205–209, with a lot of tweaks, many of which I am still in the process of implementing. Note that IE8 has some bugs which I can't work around without an extensive rewrite. IE9 works; and all other modern browsers work. But I can't support a browser so buggy it can't handle a simple for..in loop.

  1. "40% chance of 3 potions" translates to rolling 1d100 three times; each 40 or less is a potion. "75% chance of 1d3 rings" means rolling 1d3, and then rolling 1d100 that many times, with each 75 or less becoming a ring. Coins, gems, and jewelry are only rolled once, however ("50% chance of 1d6×1,000 gold" means roll 1d100, and a 50 or less becomes 1d6 sets of 1,000 gold-coin lots). This is not strictly by the rules, but results in less "swingy" hoards, and the computer doesn't mind the extra rolls.
  2. Spell scrolls use the complete spell lists from Player's Companion.
  3. Treasure maps now generate the treasure the map leads to! In some cases, this includes a scroll, and sometimes that scroll is another treasure map, in which case the treasure for that map is also generated. These sub-lists are still experimental, but so far, so good.
  4. The ring of spell-storing doesn't list a way to determine spells, so I treated it as a scroll.
  5. Weapons:
    1. Swords are not treated separately from other weapons. When a hoard specifies a "sword," a "weapon" is rolled for. All weapons can be randomly produced (an arbalest +1 might be useful!).
    2. Certain special abilities only show up for certain types of weapons ("vorpal" only shows up for pole arms, swords, and axes, for example), and arrows, bolts, slingstones, and darts only ever get the "slaying" special ability when they get a special ability at all.
    3. A weapon may be enchanted to cast a spell—any spell is fair game, and I use the scroll rules (but picking only a single spell) for this purpose. How often the spell can be used is currently limited according to the same rules as Player's Companion gives for custom spell-like powers, assuming a one round casting time.
    4. There are numerous new powers that can be rolled up for a weapon. Special abilities are brownish-colored text—hover over the text to see a description of the special ability.
  6. Treasure types E, G, J, L, and O list "1 sword, weapon, or armor" but do not give a percentile chance of each. This could be done two ways: a 1d3, with equal chances for each, or proportional chances of each that match the existing tables (i.e., much higher chance of a sword than any other weapon or armor). I went with proportional, because it was easy enough.
  7. Where monster HD is specified (horns, carcasses), a monster of that HD is picked (in some cases, "unknown monster" will also pop up for GMs to have fun with). The lists do not include all monsters—only those I thought made a good selection.
  8. I replaced the alternative coin lots with a somewhat different algorithm. First it determines a target of 2d9×100 coins in value. Then it pulls from a list of mercantile goods (every mercantile good except grain/vegetables is provided!) that can approximate that value, and puts in enough of the good to get as close to the value as possible.
  9. "This or that" translates into one or the other. Hoard ACKS will produce "pouches of wolfsbane" or "pouches of belladonna," rather than "pouches of wolfsbane or belladonna"). "Sword" is translated to "shortsword" one-third of the time and "two-handed sword" one-third of the time.
  10. Weight is rounded to the nearest sixth of a stone. Less is negligible. Magic items are not calculated.
  11. Entries are alphabetical under each header. Headers are in the same order as the Treasure Table (p. 206). Spells are grouped as arcane/divine, then ordered by spell level, then alphabetical.